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The most successful tax and form management application that has been setting standards in the Greek market for years. It has unlimited possibilities and unparalleled design quality. Guaranteed by the Epsilon Net Scientific Team.

Key advantages of the Tax System 5

Tax clearance Income of Natural Persons

The most complete and accurate personal income tax settlement, with immediate harmonization of the Calculations with the latest coding of the Income Tax Code. Availability of multiple informative printouts for the Calculation of Payment Installments of Debt Statements, Calculation of Estimates and Receipts, printouts with Comparative Sizes in Income, Expenditures and Estimates in relation to the previous Financial Year, as well as a Full Settlement Note with the detailed illustration of all the amounts that take part in the Calculation.

All Tax Forms in one Application

Provision of all Tax Forms useful for every Accountant and Accounting Firm, regarding Income Tax, Capital Tax, VAT, C.B.S., Registry, etc. with all the necessary smart mechanisms for their easier and more accurate filling. Automatic Submission for all Income Tax, VAT forms. and Child Benefit, which are available from G.G.P.S. Tax Update of all forms of the application immediately and with the greatest possible accuracy, with the possibility of automatic sending to the G.G.P.S. Website. Finally, support for unlimited users as well as unlimited Obligors/Companies is available.

Autofill and Electronic Submission

Extraction of data from registrations, automatic calculation and completion of VAT - VIES, Intrastat and Income Tax Forms with the possibility of electronic submission of all forms to the corresponding services of the General Tax Administration individually or in bulk by sending a file.

Calendar of Obligations (Office Management)

Smart tool for managing and monitoring all Tax and Labor Obligations of the Accounting Office, through a Calendar with automatic updates from the E.O. of Epsilon Net, with all dates and extensions of the Obligations. Automatic connection of Taxpayers with their Obligations. Informing the Accountant of the Due Dates and Severity of Upcoming Obligations. In addition, with Office Management, complete scheduling of Meetings, Reminders and Communications is available for the optimal organization of office work.

Online Property Value Maps and Forms

Full coverage of all Zone Prices for the properties within the Objective Determination, the Minimum Prices for the Properties whose Value is determined with the Mixed System as well as for all the prices for the Properties Outside the Objective Determination (Coefficients Zone Price, Minimum Price, Coefficient Plot Utilization, Marketability Coefficient, etc.) Provision of all Land, Buildings and Plots of Land Valuation Forms for Inside or Outside A.P.A.A. as well as for the Mixed Identification System, with smart mechanisms to facilitate filling.


Many tools through the application for the automatic connection to all the electronic services of G.G.P.S., mass sending and payment of Periodical VAT Declarations, many informational printouts for the process of submitting the declarations according to the Tax developments, informing the Accountant about all Tax Obligations of his Clients, calculation of receipt scenarios and Objective Expenses. All the above tools enable the Accountant to cope with all Tax Obligations always with an excellent customer service in mind.

Text Documents & Worksheets

Full Management of Text Documents and Worksheets per Obligor, with direct access by all users connected to the network. Possibility of editing and formatting with the help of many tools, as well as inserting functions and diagrams.

In addition, an Import and Export function is available for text documents in a variety of file types (.docx, .doc, .rtf, .html, .epub, .txt, .mht, .odt) and spreadsheets (.xlsx, .xlsm .xls, . csv, .txt).

Finally, with the function of downloading a backup copy, a single file is created, with all the Documents and Tax Forms of the application.

Epsilon Cloud Services

You no longer need to print on paper and take your customer details with you. Very simply and as you work every day in your office, the application synchronizes the data you want with your personal Cloud where at any time and from any point with Internet access you have access to the most important prints and data of your customers! With the security and validity of Microsoft Azure®, the world's largest and most secure Cloud Services provider.

Intra-group transactions

For the Companies that belong to a Group of Companies, the Summary Table of Intragroup Transactions is available. The ease of use of the application gives the possibility of immediate and quick completion of all the data that have been deemed necessary by the Ministry of Finance. At the same time, the application performs all the necessary checks for the validity of the table during the export of the xml file, while the printing of the Table is also available for further checks.

All legislation in one button

Full coverage of all Tax Legislation with the activation of a single key (F11). It is possible to download all the Tax Legislation, Related Topics from the Scientific Hub and Articles from the E.O. of Epsilon Net for the solution of every question that arises to the user at any point of the application no matter where he is. With this specific function time is saved, with the E.O. to offer ready answers to all the questions that arise during the work.

See also the additional features of Tax System 5, by clicking HERE






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