Computer Life of Imathia Prefecture Computer Life of Imathia Prefecture

Special applications for Agricultural Cooperatives

AgrIT was developed and is constantly being developed by Computer Life, to be the ultimate " tool " for dealing with the time-consuming and therefore costly procedures required for the management of fresh agricultural products . The large number of its parameters gives it the possibility to adapt easily and quickly to the requirements and needs that arise, in every Cooperative Organization or business , which is active in this object, with the aim of their more efficient organization.

Fresh fruit and vegetable management and handling software

In AgrIT , the many years of experience of the operation of fresh fruit and vegetable management and distribution businesses and their needs, to save resources and receive valid and timely information, are captured.

The following features are provided:

  • Producer Declarations with information on the management of the applicable cultivation system, harmonized with the IACS declaration.
  • Agricultural Product Receipts with data per parcel of land.
  • Sales of Agricultural Products with lot details.
  • Automatic creation of transactions for the crediting of packaging materials to members, customers and suppliers, based on the movements of fresh products.
  • Product clearance system, with the possibility of batch-receipt clearance.
  • Lots of statistical reports on fresh produce.
  • Lots of statistical reports for Integrated Management.
  • Issuance of the prescribed data, for sending them to DAOK or any other supervising Public Service.
  • Monitoring system for the work of the Production Group.
  • Application for registration of VAT refund applications. of farmers.
  • A number of statistical reports for the valid and timely information of the Accounting Office, the Management and the members of the Board of Directors. of the Economic Organization.

They are designed for implementation and integration:

  • Management of the applicable cultivation system of fresh agricultural products.
  • Agro calendar
  • Possibility of mapping the plots of land and the available - and "publishable" - elements for them on digital maps, such as Google Maps or others.
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