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All changes of the E.F.K.A. with just one click.

  • Without delay
  • No customization
  • No additional entries
  • No extra cost

Main Advantages of Extra Payroll:

Full Coverage of all employment relationships

The unique application that automatically covers every category of workers without any customization: Salaried, daily, hourly, fixed or indefinite contracts, part-time or rotating employment, presumptive daily wages, special cases of insured persons, e.g. TEI students, OAED students, etc., construction company craftsmen, hotels , freelancers, special cases of professionals, eg tour guides, fashion designers, artists, various third parties, etc.

Management of S.S.E., Individual & Business Contracts

Advisory guidance on handling expired, terminated or ongoing contracts while protecting the user from illegal wage deductions. Full management of all Collective Labor Agreements (continuous & automatic updating via the Internet) with automatic salary adjustment based on changes in the S.S.E. Automatic abolition of allowances (L.4046), Integration of Operating Agreements (L.4024). Full connectivity with I.K.A., S.E.P.E., O.A.E.D., Banks, as well as with all merchandising applications. Full GDPR compliance. Extraction of Fixed Employee Details from E.F.K.A.

Direct Support, Work Guidance

Immediate response to all changes in legislation with application upgrades via the internet. Valid, timely and immediate service from the fully specialized tax and technical support team every working day (09:00 to 21:00) as well as Saturday (09:00 to 14:00). Epsilon Support 24 hours a day via Internet.

Collectiveness & Automation of Calculations & Other Actions

The mass calculation of payroll & the mass display of results for all employees of all companies combined with the mass entry of data in the fastest time with the most reliable and legal process of the market are a unique advantage for each user.

Automated procedures - Internet submissions

The possibility of submitting through the internet the Final declarations of FMY, APD, PS ERGANI as well as exporting files of contributions to Other & Ancillary Funds, advance orders and clearing payment to all banks in combination with the speed of processing all these tasks reduce paperwork to zero.

Completeness of prints – Design & customization possible

The unlimited selection of print templates, payroll statements and all related Government forms with the additional possibility of designing and customizing prints, cover even the most specialized needs of every business

Link to e-forologia

With the F11 key, the user has the possibility at any time to connect via the internet to the information platform www.e-forologia.gr and the "Online Bank of Integrated Tax & Labor Information" to find the relevant provisions of the field in which it is located the moment. Also, through a special field on the home screen, he can search with keywords or by typing a specific provision, to find the provision (eg Law, POL, PD) that interests him.

See the additional features of Extra Payroll, by clicking HERE.









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