Computer Life of Imathia Prefecture Computer Life of Imathia Prefecture


  • Easy and fast way to manage documents related to customers and suppliers
  • Proposal of Prices and Discounts based on the item and the trader
  • Check stock balance and notify the operator with either a warning or a ban
  • Automating and avoiding re-entry of documents through functions such as Copying documents, Transformations, Aggregation of documents.
  • Creation of Commercial documents from one circuit of the application to another
  • Ability to immediately inform the user, when registering the document, about financial data of items and traders, latest sales and purchase prices, sales costs
  • Ability to calculate Commissions based on Sales
  • Cash register simulation on computer screen
  • Support Cash or Credit Card payment methods, while for Cash, Change is calculated and displayed
  • Immediate information on the overall picture of the business, open balances and maturities of customers and suppliers


  • Easy and quick listing of Items
  • Instant update of records
  • Categorization of items with data selection
  • Select data from application printouts
  • Direct visualization of Financial information (Balances, Prices, Sales – Purchases, Inventories)
  • Direct financial indicators such as Traffic Speed, Gross Profit, Markup
  • Monitoring of services and documents
  • Categorization of services with data selection


  • Customer Relationship Management that works in conjunction with the rest of the application's circuits
  • Contact Management and Contact Relationships
  • Resource management
  • Track important actions like Communications and Appointments


  • A number of ready-made prints are provided per section of the application, fully covering the information requirements of the business
  • Ability to implement and design your own prints in a very simple and easy way (Easy Report Generator)
  • Ability to export to all major MS Office file types


  • Detailed management of Customers, Suppliers, Debtors, Creditors in relation to their general and financial data
  • Categorization of traders based on desired information and exploitable through printouts
  • GeoData functionality for quick and correct registration of the trader's geographical data
  • Direct and quick access to its financial data such as Inventory, Balances, Turnover, Gross Profit Ratios
  • Monitoring of Sellers, Collectors and Agents
  • Ability to calculate Commissions based on Sales


  • Startup Tasks , which are transferred automatically, via user-defined criteria
  • Quantitative and Value Balances of Items and Traded Balances as Inventories
  • Physical Inventory works with the possibility of checking and correcting the Accounting balances of items based on the Actual balances. Correct balances either by entering count quantities or by importing Excel or Text Files
  • In the M.Y.F. , it is easy to calculate the data to be sent to the GIS, their processing, as well as their export to an xml file
  • Bulk Update of Sales Prices Percent or Value as well as Markup of Warehouse Items . Choose how to change prices from either Purchase Prices, Cost Tables or User Defined Markup
  • With Create Files for Update to Accounting Applications , files are created - based on user-defined criteria - to update external General Accounting or Income-Expense applications
  • Management of Receipts and Payments documents of the business and monitoring of securities
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